![]() yihui Just to let everyone know that this is my blog and being my blog, i like to blog the way i like to blog because i blog like that. At any point of time when you can't help but hate my blog, please, don't do anything foolish but you can try the top right hand corner of your screen. At worse, throw your monitor out of the window and, try the walls. Banging it might help in one way or another. mypastrants October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 October 2010 |
Sunday, March 30, 2008 @ 2:48 PM
Wow. Happy Birthday to JinYing! 26th Mar'08 Happy Birthday to Denzel! 28th Mar'08 Well, apparently, i have not bee blogging even since friday. Right, so i shall not have a super duper long post, posting about things starting from last friday till today. Hmm...shall try to cut everything short. There might not even be a need of cutting either, because i don't think i can remember everything single thing. hah. Friday 21st March 2008 It's Good Friday! Let's not take it as another no-school-day but as a day for us to remember how Jesus died to pay for all the underserving people. MCG today was great. Watched passion of christ. It's definitely one of the best movie i'd watch. (: Saturday 22nd March 2008 Service was awesome. Just love to hear God's word. It somehow relieved me from my busy and tired week making the restless me more alive. But can't deny that this week is really fun and i'd rather much enjoyed it. District huddle. Imagine seeing a big group of normal looking human beings running along orchard road. Having toothpaste on their face, hair tied up with many colourful rubber bands which apparently made them look so weird and funny. and.. the "they" is none other than us, NORTH! Heh. When we ran pass a booth along orchard road, the DJ actually asked why are we running, " amazing race izzit?" It was hilarious. We ran all the way to botanic garden. A bus trip of a few stops in between and when we reached, it was RAINING! Everyone was drenched. Did ShuPing sang 'rain down'? Then, we settled down, waiting for the food we catered. Then there was problems and stuff but things turned out well. Ended with prize giving and photo taking! Shall post the photos.... Where's my camera... Good question! Well, shall post the photos some other time. I need to dig the camera out from i-don't-know-where. Monday-Friday 24th-28th March 2008 One thing about school this week is that i am very free. I mean, i was suppose to be very free but i don't know why i am still as busy as ever. I still have got lots of things to do after school everyday..... When can i be really free? Lessons for this week is somewhat tiring. I kind of fell asleep during a few lessons. I don't know why but feel rather lethargic somehow. I'm not sure if it's the herbalife thing mum forced me to take. It is said to improve our cardiovascular system. hmm... I'm wondering... ( P.S. my mum actually spent 1000 over bucks on herbalife products AGAIN this week....) Well, apart from feeling tired, i'm overwhelmed by homework. Most of the seniors said that we should relax when we're sec 3 but just look at the amount of homework and test. Plus, mid-year is around the corner... GOD!!! i need time! Despite feeling lethargic, some lessons are rather funny and entertaining. I kind of forgot what we actually did but i remembered that we actually laughed here and there during lessons. It really liven up the tired-n-boring-atmosphere. Oh ya, did i mention about FINALLY having a friday free to have fun? I always look towards friday because it's a day whereby you don't have to chiong homework. Well, ever since school starts this year. I never had fridays free to slack, play or whatever. But yesterday, i did~! I stayed back after school and did some homework. Then, went walking around with eugene while the rest are either at CCA or training. Then, played basketball with Gibson and guys. Didn't get to play really long because of the lightning warning system. awww.... Next thing we could do to entertain ourselves was cheering! The sec 3s, us, apparently cheered and cheered. So high~. Then, we continued the bottle-table thinggy. Hah. Fun! We actually videoed it. Should post it some other days. ( I just realised that i have been saying that i wanna post things some other days for very long...Owing a lot of photos and videos...heh) Saturday 29th March 2008 I was late today, again. Sorry! But thank God i manage to get to nexus on time. (: Sermon was really great. Do not be fearful for your God is strong and powerful. It will definitely help, especially during OBS. ^^ I'd survived this week and i am looking forward to next friday and the friday after next. God, please give me a less tiring week. lols. I so love Fridays! Friday, March 21, 2008 @ 1:20 PM
Sports carnival 2008! SPORTS CARNIVAL 2008! We stayed in school last night to get things done. In fact, we started off our last minute preparation right after school. But it wasn't as rush as the usual meetings as we know we have got the whole night to get things done. HAHA. We did our preparation till about 8plus before we had our dinner. Canandian pizza! Again, we as SC maincomm suppose to promote healthy living and there we were eating pizza and other junk food. While we split to various area to set up, we used walkie talkie to communicate, leaving our handphones lying around in the workroom OPENLY! heh. That's the best part. At around 1a.m. plus this morning, we shifted the 48 pieces of floorball boards again then joked around in the hall. We modified our maincomm cheer. ( shall make it online some other time. ) heh. Then we went back and continue admin stuff while some went to shower. The girls, us, showered at only 2a.m. plus. LOL. The water was really really cold~ After showering, we continued admin stuff till 4am. plus when Ms Fu and Ms Milhan chased us out because they want to sleep in the workroom. This shows that we were really noisy. Hah.We slept in ITRR1, it's COLD~ Forgot my jacket. argh. But the floor is rather comfy. haha. We suppose to wake up at 5.30 but i woke up at 5.45 instead. LOL. We just used the staff toilet like nobody's business. We looked as if we're staff of riverside. haha. Walk in and out of staff room, workroom, staff lounge without any cards or bla. Then we took our walkie talkies and started setting up. Things were all set up and done before 7.40a.m. Well done! But i during the opening ceremony. I forgot that i need to present the plaque to Mrs Sng. LOL. Maisurah and Moses already went out to announce. Gosh, i thought i was screwed. So i quickly ran back to staff room to get it and ran back. Thank God i got back in time, there was still a minute or 2 when Mdm Jo taught me how to give it to Mrs Sng. phew~ Carnival started at 8.30a.m. In fact, earlier than that. All classes already assembled at their respective venues. But core games started officially at 9a.m. I was supposed to judge sec 4 for cheering but there was a lot of things i need to get them settled so JingEr ended up judging sec 4 cheering. Thanks man. Mass game started on time as well. I kept on doing time check via walkie talkie or even, running to places to get schedule checked. It's really tiring. I didn't get the chance to put my walkie talkie down throughout the whole carnival. " Ms milhan to Yihui over." " blablabla to Yihui over." " ............." and etc... Despite some delay here and there, things went on smoothly and on time. Really need to thank God for the wonderful weather and the help from teachers, staff and student alike. After closing ceremony, we did our MainComm'08 cheer and cleared up after everyone left. We did played around somehow while clearing up. It's like our motto somehow. " Always play while you work. " LOL. Thanks Zailan and Farid for pushing us ( Zijian & myself) the lazy people around while we clear up. Thanks man! After clearing up, all of us left. Apart from blogging, i did nothing else but sat infront of the TV throughout. Not wanting to move or do anything else that requires brain.haha. Sports Carnival 2008 is successful thanks to: the Main Committee: Ms Milhan Mdm Ow Maisurah Yazid Zailan Moses Joel Haiza JingEr Farid Joey YongLin HuiPin ZiJian Syarif Weiloke Taufiq Sherman WeiQin YiHui the nice teachers: Ms Fu Ms Christine the SJAB the AVA crew the Game Masters( teachers) the Game officials ( student helpers) and everyone else who'd help. Wednesday, March 19, 2008 @ 1:50 PM
School~ lalala~ H3 period today was really funny. We have had discussion about IR and F1. So Ms Fu chose people to go to the board to write what we understand from that 2 words. We know IR stands for integrated resort but she doesn't want us to repeat it. So people started writing, Irritating Rats, Intelligent Rabbits and stuff like that. I was chose to write but people already wrote Formula 1 under the F1 columm. So i just wrote " Handsome drivers" under F1. Everyone started laughing but it's really the fact. They're hot. hehe. During P.E today, we played frisbee again. My team draw with Haresh's team. Arghhhh~ Their team broke our non-losing/drawing record which we held for the past few P.E.!!! Can you believe it? grrh. Anyway, Ms Milhan wanted us to give one of our best cheer before she released us for recess. We have got quite a few cheer but decided to do hungry cheer. Since we're all hungry and ready to go makan. We were rather loud and i think that it's really cool of her to let us cheer at the parade square. way to go 3/5! Physics lesson started off funny. We didn't plan it but the class just started to greet Mr Low really slowly, dragging the words. " Goooooooooddddd....... mooooorrrr.........niiiiinnnnnggggg.... miiiiissss......teeeeerrrr....loooowww.........." It was really a very long greet. hah. None of us know who started it. LOL. MainComm meeting after school as usual. hah. SC coming. Chiong ah! Tuesday, March 18, 2008 @ 2:18 PM
Fairplay video TADA! Here's the fairplay video. Production of Sports Carnival MainComm'08 Starring sports carnival MainComm'08. It's just so well done. @ 1:10 PM
SC fairplay video. ROCK ON! HAPPY BIRTHDAY HENGYIN! This morning the maincomm meet at the backstage for moral support as usual. Then, we saw Mdm Soh at the backstage which gave some of the warning to chao. LOL. We just chiong-ed out of the hall after national anthem and pledge taking. Our attire, shoes and hair are so not proper. LOL. We went up to the gallary and sat there. Viewing the fairplay video there is cool and i think the video serious rocks. Rock on maincomm! We aren't just sports people, we aren't just organisers, we are great actors and actresses too! MainComm meeting after school again. It's like a routine already. Nothing surprising at all. Heh. Have had fun again and i can't wait to stay overnight in school on wednesday. ^^ Oh ya, weather have been very bad the past few weeks. Really hope that it wouldn't rain on thursday or preferably, wednesday night. So we could start our preparation. hmm.. Monday, March 17, 2008 @ 8:18 AM
PSP slim! yay-ness! Daddy bought me PSP slim today. yay-ness! Saturday, March 15, 2008 @ 2:08 PM
MainComm meeting. heh. Despite still in the camp mood, i did settled down and continue with SC stuff. MainComm meeting today again and it's all fun & work. So love it. I'm kind of addicted to SC meetings. It's always fun but productive at the same time! geez. (: @ 11:32 AM
Camp Mood. I......... am.........still.........in............... camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood. camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood. camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood. camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood. camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood.camp mood. How are you feeling? I feel so good. HAHA. I feel so good. HAHA. I feel so good. I feel so good. I feel so good. HAHAHA. Friday, March 14, 2008 @ 10:17 AM
maincomm meeting. 3rd time of the week! Have had maincomm meeting today. 3rd time of the week! We started off the meeting with extra work load. The poms poms. We, the maincomms, actually have to get the poms poms done. Damn man. It spoils my meeting agenda of the day but nevertheless, we managed to finish everything. Maincomms, well done! Oh ya, and also, thanks szeling for helping out! Today was too much of eating, gossiping and laughing. We keep on eating and eating, laughing and laughing , gossiping and gossiping while doing work. LOL. Oh ya, we still have one pack of oreo left. LOL. Shall finish eating it tomorrow. Chiong ah! We also did a lot of photo taking today. LOL. The trophies were delivered today and we took photos with our desired trophies! Shall post the photos some other time. ^^ I so love rioting inside workroom. It's like so fun man. Play around, surf net, blog hop( That explains all those tags on my blog. -.-"), picnic, showcasing our pathetic handphones which always only get to chance to come out without teachers around. Mind you, we were in the staff room. heh. It was raining when we wanted to get out of school, so mummy(Maisurah), step brother(ZiJian) and i shared umbrella. Thanks mummy! I'm currently chatting with Terry about our smart plans for getting away for wearing slippers to school. LOL. He wore slippers to school today and got away with it because he faked leg injury like how i did yesterday! and..and..and.. he wants to be oscar winner too! So now... Oscar award winner: Low Yi Hui Terry Tan Soon Lee haha. So ya, congratulations and i'm done blogging. Needa do sports carnival stuff again. CIAO! Thursday, March 13, 2008 @ 11:08 AM
Done with "my girl".maincomm meeting! Oscar award winner: Low Yi Hui. Haha. Today i went school in slippers and have had my ankle guard on, on my right leg. The security guard actually buy my story about injuries. LOL. I just walked and greeted uncle as per normal. Uncle, looking concerned, actually asked what happen to my leg. haha. Maincomm meeting was again like private party. Lights off, blast music, dancing and showing off muscle infront of projector. haha. It sounds fun and it really is, but we didn't really played long though. Continue to do work after that. It was just the commercial break! Then, we went KFC for lunch/dinner and we actually did the makan cheer there! LOL. The kids at the next table was peeping... haha. Back home, finished bio TYS and now doing SC stuff. CIAO! Wednesday, March 12, 2008 @ 6:46 AM
Maincomm meeting. "my girl" yay! Today we have had maincomm meeting. ITRR1, staff room and work room have become our second home! LOL! Spent so much time in those places that we literally treat it as our home. LOL. Blast music, play psp, eat, joke and laugh loudly. That's maincomm for you. So well, today ZiJian and i was still so in camp mood that we kept on doing cheers and clap. Everyone was getting a little high. Farid and guys started singing " apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur." They just keep on repeating and repeating the same line. Haha. It was really like some private party in ITRR1. LOL. Home now and gonna chiong "my girl". CIAO! Tuesday, March 11, 2008 @ 1:41 AM
slack day. "my girl Yay! I'm so gonna slack today. Finally have the chance to watch "my girl". The disc have been there for so long and i have yet to have the chance to watch it. 3 cheers! So excited and i can't wait to finish watching the disc. CIAO! Monday, March 10, 2008 @ 8:10 AM
Secondary 3 Adventure Camp 2008. Secondary 3 Adventure Camp 2008. @ Kota Tinggi. 7th-9th March Just came back from camp and i thought i should just blog first. Everyone wants to go home and sleep but i seriously don't feel like sleeping. Though I've been jumping around and cheering throughout the camp, i'm not tired at all and people keep on asking me what battery i use! LOL. I didn't know what to answer, like solar powered, rechargerble, reusable and so on. Until when i chat with Terry just now that he reminded me that it should be energizer, because "never say die". LOL. S.U.P.E.R super is what we are. G.E.R.E.K gerek is what we are. SUPER SUPER. GEREK GEREK. SUPER GEREK. GEREK SUPER. Camp Day 1 Report to school as per normal on that day but forgot to bring photo for my OBS form, so went home to take together with BoonYain. Thanks man! We stayed in parade sqaure and waited till other level clear off for healthy lifestyle before attendance are taken. Gathered as a class, cheer and got to know our instructer/trainer. Group 5 instructor is Aniq the sexy! and group 6 instructor is Q the pretty! (: Then, we move off to the quadrangle. Our class was last to go off so while waiting for the bus, we took photos! Then, we started eating chocolates and all the chips, biscuits and sweets we brought while we were waiting. We didn't look like we're going for camping but we definitely looked like we're going for a picnic! We continue our eating on the bus and also, we cheered on the bus but it was just the warm up. On the bus, i just pulled up my track pants and arrived at Tuas check point with my track pants pulled up. It was really unglam but who cares, it's really warm! Then the malaysia check point. Changed bus there and it took about 1 hour plus before we reach the campsite. We played lots of game on the bus and trust me, we were all ready for camp then. We were super high! What's more to say when we reach there, i got super duper high! LOL. Before we move into our tentage, we gathered in groups of six. So yup, same tent as yuen lam, boonyain, charmaine, sherilyn and pou ing! (: Put our stuff, got our utensils and we were all ready for lunch! The trainers taught us one super steady makan cheer. It's really cool and man! Also, when we cheer loud enough right, we can hear our echo. It's something we can't hear in s'pore! High elements was the first activity. Kena sabo-ed to demo. LOL. So we get to choose to do flying fox, rock climbing or abselling, so i did absailing. It's really scary but it's fun! After that, it was time to get dirty! We walked through the jungle and into a muddy river! When we reached there, we started splashing each other, pulling each other into the water. It's really fun. Especially when you pull someone right into the water and they get as dirty as you. But our poor Ben lost his spectacles due to that. His spectacles floated away with the river flow. LOL. Then, before we left, our trainer helped all of us to do clay facial. LOL. We only washed it off after we got back to the camp site! He said that it's make our skin smooth and it really did. haha. Then, we washed up in the common bath! We showered together. Guys, don't be jealous. heh. Dinner was next and after dinner, we went for night walk. I paired with brenda and guess what, both of us was really scared. We weren't allowed to use torch light, no lightstick no nothing and just walk. Trust me, it wasn't easy. When we got back, we gathered together and cheered before supper! I was still very energetic then.LOL. So went back to tent after that and took only a whole to fall asleep. We were told to sleep early and have ample energy the next day...We're good children. Hehe. Camp Day 2 We're suppose to report at 6.55p.m. for morning PT. LOLs. Then gathered around the canteen for breakfast! It was all cheering again. Whenever we're waiting, be it for food or for activity to start, we always cheer, bomb or whatever.LOL. So love it. Our first activity today is trustfall. Sexy was the first to go and he fell onto the ground hurting his head and shoulder because one side of the mat wasn't held properly and it slipped off. It was really scary and trust me, Khairul who went next is really courages enough to be the second. But after the first attempt, all the other attempt are successful. Or should i say, no injuries! Sexy tried again as the last contestant and he want us to carry him all the way to the canteen if he were to fall successfully. So yup, it was a successful fall and we carried him all the way to the canteen! Mighty 3/5! Next we did the erm.. See-saw look alike thing whereby you need to balance 35 people on it! It's really fun and i think it's one of the activity whereby you can see everyone grabbing on to each other, supporting each other. We didn't manage to get everyone up but we got 29 people up there! Aniq says it's really job well done, 29 is a lot. 3 cheers for all! Next was rebirth whereby you need to stuck your leg then your head through the tyre. Aniq said that the record was 18 people in 7 mins and he targeted our class to get it done by 8min30sec with 33 people excluding the 2 injuries. We started off slow and steady and was like bullet train towards the end. I pity the last few people. LOL. (P.S. the last few are all guys. ) We didn't meet our target because our time was 8min42sec. Well, it's really a bit more but nevertheless, we did our forfeit proudly, which is to dance in front of any class we walked pass. haha. Then, we settled down to play chop chilli chop. It's really funny and yup, Arniq was the blacksheep and he was told to do whatever we did infront of the classes SOLO! He's really good! If he didn't work as a camp trainee, he could have been a dancer or something like that. haha. Then was the Indiana Jones! It's really fun man. Especially when someone gets into the muddy water. But that's not the whole point, the thing is that the class worked together, trying to get as many people across as possible! 4 people crossed over successfully to either side, BoonYain, Diana, WingKit and ZiLing! The class really worked well. WELL DONE! We also sabo-ed Ms Fu to do flying fox. LOL. After that was the raft challenge. Due to time constraint and plus other classes using our equipment, we get to build only 1 raft and it wasn't really successful and like i'd said, we don't have much time because dinner time is nearing, so we have got to cease the activity but we did jetty jump instead. yay! Jetty jump is really fun! We even got Mr Low( not my dad) and Ms Fu to hold hands and jump together. LOL. Then we showered in the common bath again! LOL. This time, more people joined. haha. Then was dinner and then campfire preparation. By looking at how the class reherse, anyone could tell that we're all up and ready to win! During the campfire, we cheered and really went rahrah. We also cheered other classes on. ^^ We were the last to perform and i knew it. Arniq always say, save the best for the last and what's more, he's the campfire i/c. That explains why we were the last. LOL. Nevertheless, i think we did ultra super duper well! 3 cheers for 3/5! After that was supper and then debrief. During supper, we were like fighting for strawberry flavoured bread. LOL. Only then when we walked over to take ourself that we realised that there are lots of strawberry one. LOL. Then, boonyain and i went walking around and we couldn't stop cheering. LOL. Walked and walked and we went to the canteen where we saw melissa and shuli. Then andrew and zijian. We were like cheering non stop and when Arniq saw, he was like covering his face. LOL. He still couldn't figure out what battery i use. hmmm.... Then we gathered under the "umbrella" and played poker. Round 1 with ZiJian, Gerald and WeiLoke. Betting one loaf of bread. The one we ate for supper. LOL. and the winner is... ME! haha. Then, before we knew it the trainers are done with their debrief and hid the poker cards real quickly and all went back to the tent. It again, took me only a while to fall asleep. Camp Day 3 Rise and shine! Then was breakfast and then we were told to get all our barangs barangs and put them in the canteen. LOL. Then it was the exciting part. Allocation for area cleaning.* drum roll* Our class is lucky enough to have allocated to clean the boys toilet. We were told that it's cleaner than the girl's. haha. When we reached the toilet, sexy, we led group 5-8 told us that only the guys have to clean the toilet while the girls help with the tent cleaning. Double yay-ness! hehe. After area cleaning, we went back to the canteen and played game. LOLS. Alpha against.. not beta, its bravo. Alpha consist of 3/1, 3/4,3/5 and 3/7. While Bravo consist of 3/8,3/9,3/2,3/1 and 3/6. We played the peanut game! " Where's the peanut? Where's the peanut? Where's the peanut just now? Where's the peanut? Where's the peanut? Where's the peanut just now?" Haha. It's really funny. Gerald and 2 other people( P.S. i forgot who.) led the bravo while TongJun, Jasper and I led Alpha. Well done man people! Then we continue our cheer before we left. Award presentation was cancelled due to the rain. We were shifted to one shelthered room at the resort and there we went again, cheered! LOL. We got our camp t-shirt too and were told to change into it. It's really cool when you see the whole level wearing the same shirt. heh. Before we left, was saying goodbye to the campsite.): On our way back, some of them slept but some of us were still too hyper and we cheered all the way. Coming out with all sorts of funny clap. LOL. About an hour plus later, we were back to nice toilet and non-muddy road. We did one last cheer and took photo before we left. Some of us stayed to get e-mail address and number. Arniq hugged each of us before we left. a-w-w-w..So sweet. We have owned the rest. We have owned the rest. We have owned the rest. One more time! We the number one. We the number one. We the number one. One last time. We have owned the rest. We the number one. We have owned the rest. 3/5! Next, was the most the part i love the most. LUNCH! Lunch-ed at KFC with eugene, wingkit, ben,james and brenda. Suppose to eat at LJS but it's too crowded plus, i have had the urge to eat KFC. hehe. Then, we walked around cwp before we went home. I kind of like sent ben home because he couldn't see clearly. LOL. Actually, it's just on the way la. haha. A big thankyou to our nice teacher, Ms Fu who keep on kana sabo-ed and getting dirty because of us. A big thanks to our instructor, Arniq the sexy and Q the pretty who is always there to lead and teach us. Last but not the least, A big thanks to ALL my beloved classmates for making this camp a memorable one. Okay, I shall stop posting now. needa check out the new food mum stocked up while i was away. So ciao! Wednesday, March 05, 2008 @ 7:31 AM
Surprise! I think anyone reading my blog now will be rather surprise. Yes, i'm blogging on a tuesday afternoon! Before you question who i bought the time from, you should read the following: 1. yihui needs to make I/C. It's due on the 6th. 2. She left school at 12.30p.m. ( P.S. skipping chinese lesson. ) 3. She's done with I/C making now. 4. She finally can experience the joy of blogging on a weekday afternoon. That explains why i am blogging now. This few weeks, or should i say months, i've been very busy with Sports carnival, school work and camp. Mum and Dad keep on complaining about me spending more time in school than at home. It's really tiring and plus, in need to shepherd my sheep and be shepherd-ed. I really want to shepherd my sheep and meet my shepherd up BADLY! Here i am, not having enough time, school, wasted my time. School today was a total waste of time. I could have just sleep a little later and get my i/c done by the morning and i could have go for caregroup! Well, i guess i'd experience enough joy and now, it's time for me to start my proposals and homework. CIAO! Tuesday, March 04, 2008 @ 3:46 PM
Monday blues. Have had MainComm meeting after school today and stayed in the staff room the whole afternoon. Editing of proposals, printing of stuff and get them organised. But well, i think the MainComm had done a really great job and everything is done by 6.30p.m. We managed to get out of the school before it's lock! (: Sunday, March 02, 2008 @ 10:13 PM
Water baptism! Today is sunday and instead of swimming, i went for water baptism instead! The old has gone and the new has come! Congratulations to all brothers and sisters for this funeral day of theirs! Congratulations to: Dionisius Sabinah. Gabrielle Aileen. Danielle Lee Jia Ling. Gayle Natalie Ang Ai Ting. Theophila Ang Jin Lin. Faith Melissa. Dominic Jogina Mak. Moses Yuan Han. Estania Low Yi Shi. Wanting. Valerie. Jasiel Kayla Low Yi Hui. YAY! Saturday, March 01, 2008 @ 1:53 AM
Finally blogging. SC MAINCOMM WOOSH! Let's see, he last time i blog was like 10 thousand years ago. Right, it've been a long long time. A long long time is long and as you know, long always equates to boring. Therefore, i should really not blog about class. It'll be damn bored. But well, some of the lessons this week are fun though, like chemistry , physics and humanities. I love these lessons, don't know why but i feel rather relax during these lessons. HAHA. We were practically gossiping openly during physics lesson about our physics teacher. Everyone can't help but keep on laughing. It's really funny.Biology lesson was as lullaby-ish as ever. Same goes for chinese lesson. Come on man, how fun can chinese lessons get? Apart from the teacher making us laugh during the lesson, chinese characters are like lullabies too! Spent the whole week's afternoon in school for MainComm meeting. People, the maincomms are really working very hard for this carnival okay. Appreciate please. We're trying very hard to get messages conveyed but some classes just can't be bothered. Grrh. Although it's tiring, i really enjoy the meetings. Like the maincomms will joke and play around. HAHA. Just like today, stayed in the staff workroom for the whole afternoon just to get things done and printed. I don't know why, i can't help but keep on lame-ing. Maybe it's due to the surrounding. It's cold in there and we equate cold with lame. Hah. Thanks weiwei for waiting for me today and oh ya, thanks all for all the presents! I' am receiving presents still. LOL. Last friday, from shuli, zhaoyi,ong chin and xiaohuan. Monday from ruixian and shimei. Wednesday from huipin. Today from jinger, szeling, terry, ben bey and chwan rong! Thanks people! (: Okay, i really need to let myself enjoy a little before starting on proposals, homework and class stuff. Haha. I need to have a break! The last time i really enjoyed myself was sunday. I'm deprived of enjoyment and slacking. So i'm off slacking, ciao! |