![]() yihui Just to let everyone know that this is my blog and being my blog, i like to blog the way i like to blog because i blog like that. At any point of time when you can't help but hate my blog, please, don't do anything foolish but you can try the top right hand corner of your screen. At worse, throw your monitor out of the window and, try the walls. Banging it might help in one way or another. mypastrants October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 October 2010 |
Friday, August 31, 2007 @ 10:17 PM
SNG just sucks. CD period was as stupid as usual. You know, i seriously don't understand why is there a need to have CD lesson when everyone doesn't even bother to listen and all the answers are copied? Why do we need to sarcrifice our precious time for the school to show that they focused a lot on character development when students don't even give a damn about it? Crap. Ms Christine passed the class photo order list around and she told us that some classes couldn't get their class informal photo because the magic finger was shown and tie was put on the heaD? I understand the part whereby magic finger was shown, but as for the tie on the head? It is so unreasonable man. Since it is called informal photo, what's wrong with putting the tie on the head when it doesn't even mean anything vulgar? Ms Christine"Some classes couldn't get their informal photo......... etc...." Me(interupted)" Must be the new P's idea." Ms Christine" Do you think this kind of behaviour is appropriate...etc..." Me: "The new p and her old fashion thinking..." Ms Christine- continued nagging.. That is it. Her old thinking is affecting the school once again making life difficult for people. Why can't she just make a right decision? Everything she did is ruining the school ,the students. I don't see students becoming better after the changes she made. I know she have a lil problem with dressing but why stop people from dressing differently and uniquely just because she don't know how to? I seriously don't know where all the money she took went to, donate to the poor? Nah. She can't be that nice. I knew she wanted those money for image consultant but i doubt anyone wants to be her consultant. She'll scare the hell out of them. Her way of dressing and the clothes in her wadrobe scares people off! But i seriously don't know who in the right mind approved her to be a P or worst, a teacher in the first place. She don't think right, she don't do right and she don't dress right. I thought mental checkups are provided for MOE staff? Then, why don't she get checkups and treatments? If i were to be her mental doctor, i'll suggest her to quit being a P and get a life. I bet she would answer " I already have a life." Ya, you bet, a life. A lifeless and moronic life, she sure have a life. A life by making people detest her and sees her like a pest even though the school doesn't look like a rubbish chute. If i were to write a book about how detestable she is, it'll be even longer than Harry Potter. She is the P and she is hated. Thursday, August 30, 2007 @ 9:41 PM
Row's birthday party '07 HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY TO ALL MY BELOVED TEACHERS AND THOSE NOT SO WELL LIKED BY ME. (: It's your day people and yup, stay young. School was fun today. The ACES day dance was awesome! Almost all the sec2 dance. Haha. We learnt those moves during dance lesson, thats why it seems easier to us. :D Back to class for interactions and took photos! I love taking photos and i think i should get those black and big camera like enxin's which is so damn cool and make me look professional! ^^ The concert was entertaining. Though Mrs T spoiled the fun again. She's always there to be a spoiler and doesn't seems to be embarrassed about it. Oh gosh, she must have ultra thick skin. BEWARE~!! Anyway, i love the concert. (: Farid and i were joking about singing teenagers up there. HAHA. Try it. After the concert ended, went to find teachers and finally finish giving all the gifts and cards. Left for causeway point with Row, Kit and someone.. We saw Shirley and her gang. So they joined us and went to mac. Total about 10plus of us i think. LOL. Ate mac, walked around and slacked before kit and i left for SiLing and the rest went back to their primary school respectively. Row the lazy ass did not go back to primary school, she decided to go home and sleep! Bad student! Alan is such a pain. He just keep calling me until i reach. He did not change, he just.. became more and more talkative and relatively taller. Nothing much. Same goes for vincent and yankang, the grown-taller-and-still-growing clique. Hah. The rest came one after another. Played basketball while waiting for the lil kids to be released. Finally got in to the school when the kids were released. Saw mummy outside the school waiting for sis. I actually wanted to get money from her, but forgot. LOL. We walked around SiLing and slacked before we settled down at the canteen. We saw Ms Oh and she is still like.. like the past. Did not change. Same goes for her height. Hah. Almost the whole class came. I think about 30plus people came back. It's nice to see primary school friends and catch up with them, talking about our schools, studies and gossips. (: Hang out with my primary school clique after we left the school. The bestest clique ever: Sita-Ellie-Weekee-Sufia-Zara-yihui! Everyone were there except for Sita, who is still burying herself with books in bangkok! Haha. Only Weekee ellie and i went to cwp with the rest of the class. Though its just the 3 of us, it was super fun too. We just can't stop laughing joking and craping over small lil things. We even sat on the kido machine whereby you put one dollar for it to work. LOL. Ellie saboed me and force the one dollar into the machine and made me the victim to sit on it. Super paiseh but it was fun anyway! My clique left at about 3+ 4. Leaving the rest still slacking at cwp. Got home, slacked with sis for awhile, changed and left home to meet james. Reached and took MRT to Row's place. Played around at her house, James and i surfed the net and he told me to visit XiaXue's blog. GOODNESS ME! She'd got herself a angmoh boyfriend who is so hot, maybe not as hot as my hubbies but, for a bimbo like her, she freaking got herself a Australian boyfriend! I think i'm way better than her and her pinkish stuff. At least i don't go for nose job and make my nose fake. Awww... Continue slacking around and went down to the function room. We played pool and went to have dinner. YUMMY! Watched Dead silence after the meal and it was like WTH!?!?!?! I would never want to watch it again, yup, NEVER! Left at about 10plus. It's a super duper fun day. (: HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY TO ROWENA! Counting down... 2 more day :D Wednesday, August 29, 2007 @ 5:17 PM
School was fruitful. Strawberry milk! lalala~ I saw row with the strawberry HL milk in the morning and got myself one. It's not very nice, Dutch lady strawberry milk is much more nicer. (: We went to ITRR2 for chinese lesson today. The message was passed from the back. It started off with " Ms Sim's chinese class, please go to ITRR2 for chinese lesson." to " Sims city bla bla bla.....(Not sure what is passed down in the middle)" and it finally reached me, the first person "Go to class 2/2 for chinese lesson." I was like ???? We went back to class and finally got the message right. Hah. We watched Doraemon there. Nice la! But too bad, we'd only a period of chinese. English was next. We did filing. Damn it man. The tong wants to check file and mine was chosen by her. WTH la. My worksheets were like all over the table and have got some missing worksheets. No choice, gotta photocopy them. Argh. Of all people, me. BOO! Anyway, i managed to finish filing my worksheet by recess time and photocopied all i'd needed during recess. phew~ Oh ya, we got back our compre paper and yup, i'm the second highest! :D I got 16/25. I know it's not very high but only 7 girls and 6 boys passed. But overall, i'm 4th. RongHui and Joel freaking got an A! Damn man. Mervin got 68.++ and i got 66.++. Arghh, needa do better the next time. Rah! Practical at Bio Lab for science lesson. It was fun fun fun! Played with the tuning fork. Haha. Water splashed all over the table. It was super fun man. Love it. :D Maths lesson passed fast today. Before i knew it, it's already 12.30 and i was pretty amazed. I'd realised that if you pay attention in class, time fly super duper fast! Haha. Got home, slacked around and lunch-ed. Decided to cook cheese with egg. My egg was kind of chao da but anyway, it taste just as good what it was supposed to taste like. Then i decided to go out to buy presents! So ya, i changed and went. SHOPPING!!! yay! Bought quite a lot of stuff and got home. ^^ prezzie prezzie prezzie! I'm looking forward to friday, Teachers' Day! I'll be meeting those people who made my primary school life and it'll be a great time to catch up with one another. Haha. Shan't forgetting the whole load of crap that we'll make up and most importantly, the anual height challenge! We'll be challenging our heights with one another and not forgetting our dearest Ms Oh. I'd already reminded her and she told me that she'll wear her highest pair of heels on friday, so watch out! Another thing to look forward to on friday is Row's birthday party. Just to remind those who do not know, she is celebrating her party on friday and you're invited. It'll be fun fun fun and Row will be a year older, old old old! Also looking forward to next tuesday, 2/5 class outing! It'll be damn fun because the programmes are fun! There'll be games, bbq and pool party! So be there and get wet! :D Sunday, August 26, 2007 @ 10:15 PM
Sunday. MY SHOW~~ Woke up super duper early today. Gotta go back to malaysia. It's like once every 2 weeks or smth since grandma's death we have to go to the place to go through that ritual or smth. Anyway, it's always fun to see my cousins. They're always super funny and we can be real crazy! Haha. Love them! Sometimes, i dread waking up so darn early for this kind of stuff but i enjoyed the it with my cousins around. (: Went to grandpa's place and slept throughout. From 12+ to about 7 and sis woke me up. Hah. Finally had a good sleep. Ok, only after i woke up then i realised that i did not do my lit drama outline, my chinese , my home econs stuff and most importantly, the 7pm show! Last episode! RAHH. Ate my dinner quickly and ran upstairs to watch the show. The show just started about half and hour then daddy and mummy came up to call us. GRRHH.. Of all times. -.-" I was actually praying hard not to have traffic jam but well, there was. One thing that really pissed me off is the people working at the checkpoint. For goodness, so much for our taxes, they worked so slowly! Gosh. Anyway, missed the show but well, that's life. The traffic jams to blame. ARGh. Saturday, August 25, 2007 @ 9:24 PM
Double Lit and double Basketball day. Friday Healthy lifestyle was nice. I actually did not want to run due to the very bad cough, but ran anyway. (: Felt good after the run. Maths lesson was as usual. Chinese lesson was great. We got back our result and true enough, i passed! I got B4. :D I should do away with the studying of chinese, it's language! Look through our workbook during science lesson and slacked throughout. Haha. Love slacking. After school, stayed to do lit. Went for NJRC at about 4+ and home after that. Oh great, lit was kind of done but wasn't sure if things will go right. PRAY PRAY PRAY! Bused home and called farid on the way. They told me they playing bball at 881. Just nice i was in time to press the bell and got down. HAH. Played with HuiMing, Farid, TeckChuan. Leon was also there but he did not play. It was fun anyway. HuiMing and all his tyco lay ups. -.-" Saturday Woke up super early this morning. Not for tuition this time. It's for the literature drama. Got to school about 5 or 10 mins later than the time we're supposed to meet, but well, i wasn't the last one. HAH! We went through the scripts and slacked around. The whole class was practically making damn lots of noise outside ITRR1 and Mdm Emilia kept on coming out to tell us to lower down our volume. We played with skateboard, sticks, basketball, cane, sunglasses, ties, hairbands, fake dagger, toy gun and etc.Almost all the crops that is fun are brought out to be our entertainment while the 2/1 and 2/4were performing. Everyone was kind of complaining about it. We shouldn't have got there so darn early man. Wasted my time for sleep. Lag of sleep.. zzzz.. But we kind of enjoyed the time outside. It's fun anyway. (: After 2/4 finished their performance, it's finally our turn! YEAH! Haha. Almost all groups chose comedy, in fact it's all of us, i think. Anyway, it's super duper funny! Little Red Riding hood being evil, which in actual fact, is not( because benitez claimed that he'll be Little Red Riding Hood if chelsea is pure and innocent. which is equivalent to, he wouldn't get the chance to be, because chelsea is not pure and innocent. Come'on, they're divers!). Siblings rivalry was also included, computer addict and so on. All the funny ideas. Hah. We're creative! lalala~ We left school after that and went to 883 for lunch. Played basketball at 881 after lunch with RongHui, TongJun, JiaYi, Halim,Farid, ChenQiang,TeckChuan,HuiMing,Leon,ShaoQuan, Joel and Alton. After basketball, we slacked under the block and started to play DuelMaster. Hah. They guys taught me how to play and i decided to play DM! LOl. Huiming keep on saying it's pretty stupid to play DM because we're actually spending money on paper! Haha, He doesn't find the fun in playing DM or anything else except for his PSP. PSP ADDICTION. boo! HuiMing, TeckChuan, ChenQiang, TongJun, JiaYi and i went to ShaoQuan's house to play DuelMaster. Haha. It's fun la! Left about 5plus, bused with Teck n HM. Got home and as i walked passed the kitchen, i saw this Old Chang Kee box on the table. The first thing i'll do, obviously, is to walk over and look into the box. It's FOOD, you know. I was very surprised that Old Chang Kee do provide box. It's always like that. Mum goes to crystal jade to buy bread, she got nice plastic containers to put the bread in when i don't get any containers except for plastic bags! Same goes for Old Chang Kee, I don't get box too! Ate my Sardin Puff while pestering mummy. She was watching TV and i keep on asking how she got the Old Chang Kee box. Finally, she answered. She told me that it's because she bought alot, that's why she get the box. Hah. Mummy asked me to help her print stuff again. She have been into this Herbalife business recently. In actual fact, it's not a job and she don't need to go to work (she can still be seen at home nagging at me telling me to keep my room clean and make it neat so that it looks like a girl's room! ). Anyway, those stuff are really nice. Especially when mum make ice-blended with those powders. It taste like bubble tea, just that it's healthy. Hah. It's pretty ex, but well, one way or another, it helps mummy and daddy to slim down. LOL. Went to daddy's office in the evening and only got back just now, which is 9+. On our way down the car park, mummy asked me why i didn't wanna get myself new fbts and she told me to get more. She said that the colours for my fbts are fading. I told her it all thanks to the way she uses detergent and the way our clothes are washed. Ok, the washing machine to blame! Got home and watched Liverpool's match against Sunderland 2-0. Sissoko and Voronin. I missed the part when Sissoko shot but watched the part when Voronin shoot. Nice shot there man! The one by Voronin involved Babel, Pennant and Torres. Great passes there and awesome control. They kept the possession till Voronin shot it. NICE~~ . Craig Gordon was so on form that i think the 2 goals had proven Red's unbeaten start to be of use to show that the Champions League trophy is ours to keep. :D My younger sis was complaining and wanted to watch the superstar show. Oh gosh, cina pok! Anyway, that show is pure crap. Seriously, i don't understand why would anyone normal would want to watch it. The voting of the superstar is seriously UNFAIR( I think Rob Styles watch the show! ^^) . Though i support none and ain't fan of the show, i think that this comment is needed to let people realise that they're paying to watch crap. This guy( i don't know his name but he is the tall one), with obviously better vocals and better way of presenting himself lost the competition. The small lil guy who actually forgotten his lyrics won. I was practically scolding the TV. Why in the heck would anyone vote for that lil boy when he can't sing that well. People just look at him with the ![]() and vote for him? Crap shit man. I think they shouldn't call it campus superstar, instead, they should call it, " YMLGS - You Must Look Good Show." No looks, no game. No wonder they call it, reality show. Because it show cases the reality that they sign you for looks. What a truth. Thursday, August 23, 2007 @ 2:45 PM
SICK! BOO! LAST DAY OF EXAM!!! YEAH! Home Econs paper today and it marks the end of the common test! HOORAY! Haha. English period after the paper. Played games. :D Science lesson was fun fun fun! We went to music room and the 2/5 talent time began! Haha. Talented people, yes we are! We were 15 minutes late for music lesson because of that. LOL! Anyway, Mr Jacky is nice la! ^^ Got home after school, showered, lunch and went out. Actually i didn't wanna go out. Still kinda sick but well, gotta go to cg. (: Saw wenzi and weiting on the bus. Shopped around with wenzi and both of us started lame-ing and all la. Haha. Went for CG after that. It's super fun as usual. Everyone's high about God! :)) Home after care group and slacked all the way. Really felt great after exam is over. :DDD Tuesday, August 21, 2007 @ 9:56 PM
High school musical 2 rocks! SICK~ Monday P.E today was fun fun fun! We went to the open field outside school and played touch rugby. It'd been a long time since i last play touch rug. It was the all time primary school game. Haha. I was really enjoying myself, but seriously, i still enjoy the way we play it during primary school days. LOL. D&T lesson after recess. My draft went MIA and i gotta draw it again. It's easy la, i just scribbled on the paper, showed Ms Chai and she'll say smth and i have to add onto the drawing. To and fro many times before she finally said ok. Hah. Started drawing on the cardboard and we were given penknife to cut. Gosh. I HATE PENKNIFE! It is life threatening man! I find it super hard to use penknife to cut. But well, manage to finish cutting my elmo out before lesson end. :D Music after that. I BOUGHT MY NUMBER 6 MUSIC BOOK OF THE YEAR! Ok, most of my book are either totally blank or partially written. Anyway, music lesson is easy. It's the easiest test and the easiest test to cheat. We were practically showing our answers and discussing it when teacher keep on saying that we cannot discuss. Hah. Maths lesson was ok. English lesson was fun. I love Ms Faz's lesson!! :))) Back home after school and slacked around online. Painted my elmo and it looks awesome! Tution was super fun today. Started drawing on clarence's hand. He drew on mine too! Haha. Anyway, he volunteered to let me draw. I bet he walked home with both of his hand covered! (Shall post the pictures the next time.) Got home, watched high school musical 2. Sis downloaded it. It is super duper nice man! YEA! Love it! Tuesday D&T paper. I think i screwed it la. Hah. Did not study but did some last minute revision in the morning. Crossing fingers and hoping that i can pass it. Discussed about class outing with Ms Lisa and Ms Faz during English period. There were lots of suggestion and many stupid one. Haha. Art lesson was great! We did painting! I so love painting! YEAH! Haha. Science lesson was used to go through paper. Argh.. There goes my straight As for the whole year. Damn. GRRRHH.. Anyway, Mr Jacky promise a fun and relax lesson tmr. Which is, NO STUDY!! Haha. Great. Next lesson, chinese lesson. Ms Sim gave us free time. WAHAHAHAH. She promise to let us watch movie tmr. YAY YAY! Tomorrow's gonna be fun! (: Nat, JiaLing, Melissa, Halim, Karim and i went for lunch and we slacked around at RP. Practically lame-ing and talking crap. Haha. Waited till 3+ before we go to the sports complex for swimming. Swimming lesson also slack! Haha. We finished our test so free time! I started playing hand stand in the water and ya, many people join it. Fun la! :D Haha. But got the damn flu, just kept on sneezing. RAH! Went to eat again after swimming. (: Saw Joyce and TingTing. Haha. Met Jogina after that. Slacked around in RP and left for home. Got home, and decided to go for a run, changed up and off i went. It'd been long since i really ran and yup, felt great. ^^ The flu kind of spoil the run but it was great afterall. (: Monday, August 20, 2007 @ 11:43 PM
Ups and Downs. You guys are good at the game that i don't wanna play. So please, step off and the game it's over. I'm not at all interested in the game which you think it's oh-so-cool. Let me tell you guys, IT IS NOT. It just make you people look so darn stupid trying to play that stupid game which does not benefit anyone, even yourself. Maybe it does please you in one way or another but it certainly don't benefit you people. Don't interfere my life and the way i'm gonna live it. Things happened and passed. Sometimes it'll back back again as another problem but it's the same thing just going through the process with another different group of people. Life's never easy. Someday you'll feel oh so great and some days super duper down. I'm just kind of sick and tired about those crap shit i get over and over again. I've been questioning God about all those problems but i don't seems to get and answer, neither a solution. I trusted God and now, still hoping for a solution. But i guess before any help is rendered by God, something have to be done. God must have wanted certain things to change and knowing that i should do it. I know God planned all things so that it'll be the best for me but the finishing line of the rough ride to the best for me is yet to be seen. I guess there is a lot more to ride through this race before i see outcome which i know would be the best of the bestest thing anyone else could give me except God. (: TELLING ME THAT IS THE BEST WAY TO MAKE SURE THAT I'LL DO IT! Saturday, August 18, 2007 @ 3:58 PM
Saturday. Knocked against the side of the door. I knocked against the wall real hard! Gosh. Hey wall, this will be the last time you ever gonne injured me, because the next time i bang into you, i'll make sure that you get dented somewhere or somehow! Oh great, it hurts like shit and it swell up. Grrh. Friday, August 17, 2007 @ 8:09 PM
Long post... fruitful week MONDAY English paper. I can't remember what i did that day, just remembered that I went home early today. I'm good. lalalala. TUESDAY Chinese today. Oh great, must well stamp a F9 there and save your pen ink. Swimming test is so freaking easy. Went for basketball with Nat, Halim and HuiMing. Then to Halim's house. I love his enormous bean bag! WEDNESDAY Went home early today again. (: I suddenly love home so much. Oh ya, saw Marcus on the way home, thanks for cheering me up yea. Got home, showered and went out to meet Marcus for lunch. Went for CG after that. :D A big thanks to my dear girl JOEY, my gay brother DEFENG, VIVIEN and AH TONG for understanding my problem. (: Thanks to Marcus too! THURSDAY RAAHHH... Whatever... Stayed to do up the notice board. Super big THANKYOU to QIANHUI, DOREEN, JOLINE and TANIA! FRIDAY Back home early today. I LOVE HOME! Slacked around, showered and out at 3+ to meet Jogina for Shepherding. Thanks Jog for letting me know what was not clear to me. I'll change and do it the better way. I LOVE MY SHEPHERD! __________________ Things did not really went well this week but i think it is a very well planned week for coping problems with exams and exams with stress. GOD IS GREAT! Sunday, August 12, 2007 @ 9:44 PM
Pesta sukan 2nd round. ):New Principal. Pesta Sukan today. It was terrible. I was so not on form and ya, played super badly. ): Sorry people. Went to eat KFC at ToaPaYoh. WeiWei, Wenzi,Jinger, Row, Peiting,Juaen, Pearly went. Saw Joanne, Hsingyi and zhaoyi, Haha. WeiWei, Wenzi,Jinger and i sat together and we were laughing the whole time. I can't help but keep on laughing. Went to Row house after that. Played daidee while waiting for her to shower. We played 3 rounds and i won all!!! OWNED! Hah. After row showered, we went to play pool. It was super funny throughout the games. HAHA. Can't stop laughing. The last game was nice. Wenzi and i owned the pro!! Jinger and WeiWei team against the both of us. Last 3 shots before the number 8, i shoot and all went in! I was practically jumping up and down! Wenzi shoot in the last one and ya, we won!! HOORAY! Left at about 5plus. The rest went home leaving me and weiwei to dinner ourself. Bought bubble tea after dinner and went home. (: ____________________ Haiza " She made changes, for the worse." I certainly agree to that. She changed this and that but not for good, it's all changes for the worse. New P new beginning. Indeed, a new beginning to ruining the school's future! Ever since the old hag came, i started to hate the way school is. School is no longer enjoyable because everywhere you go, you can hear people talking about the incompetent old hag who does nothing but made changes for the sake of making. Things that she'd done and the decision that she'd made really made us, the students, to hate her. Seriously, who don't? Teachers said that she is efficient, but to me or maybe to we, the students, she's not. She is just some old hag who prefer to simplify everything so as to make her job easier and make her look efficient. Like firing coaches and instructors, making space for CCA which do not really need the space, setting up redundant shit and bla. She's practically making life difficult for everyone. Why can't she freaking change her mind set that was brought from yesterday. Hello?!? Can anyone please tell her that police ain't wearing shorts now and David Marshall is no longer alive? Oh please, is she that dumb that she can't even keep track of what year or what century it is now? She just make school a place which students go the study and teachers to work. She doesn't do anything to make the school seems fun and alive. She likes students who wear socks like people who're going for soccer and she likes student to wear skirt that is as long as hers! Ok, i know i'm being a lil too evil here but really, she have got nothing to flaunt, no figure, no long legs! That's why she chose to wear long skirt and be so conservative!! Ok, enough of her. She just sucks and she is ruining every bit of the school. BOO! Saturday, August 11, 2007 @ 9:08 PM
Swimming.. Service.. Friday Tuition this morning and swimming in the noon. Brought sis along to swim. :D Met JiaXun, ChenQiang and Halim and off we went to Yishun. I was practically fighting with Halim while swimming. RAH. He also make me feel like beating him up. Grrh. Anyway it was fun la. Haha. Everyone's funny. Saturday Tuition in the morning, met sis and went for service in the noon. Sis actually brought me burger with cheese that taste like it's fermented. One bite and i went EEWW.. Must be that cow brand cheese.. EEK. Reached somerset and rushed for service. Service was fun as usual. Pastor Shirly is funny~! New believers party after service. The games were fun and testimonies shared were great. JOYCE TAN!!! Heh. Met sis and went home tgt after that. Thursday, August 09, 2007 @ 8:59 PM
National Day celebration! JOEL ONG IS GAY! I was woken up by DengMing at about 5plus. I thought it was 6plus already when i checked my phone and realised that it's only 5.30. Told her to sleep for awhile more. Haha. In fact, i wanted to sleep awhile more, so ya, told her to sleep longer so that i don't need to wake up to entertain her. Great idea yea. Hah. Daddy and mummy sent us to school and we slacked in the canteen before going to the AVA room. We accompanied them till 7.30plus before going down to assemble for the parade. When the old hag went up to deliver the national day speech, only some people clap. LOL. Pathetic. As in, practically 99% of lower sec did not clap. Nice one man. =P The parade was great. Haha. But i guess they should change the song and the way they march in. It's like the same every year? LOL. Maybe not, because i'm only in the school last year. Anyway, consecutive 2 years of the same thing is enough. Shouldn't be the same all the time. Next, we proceeded to the hall for the concert. YEAH! 2/5, 2/6 and 1/5 rocks man! Our class won 2nd and 1/5 first! Conrgrats people! (: I was super high during the whole event. Got a lil headache but can't help being enthu throughout. :D We accompanied our SuZhou friends after school. Went around taking photos and keep on crapping while in the AVA room. That's where i got the heading for my post today. Hah. JOEL IS GAY GAY GAY! LOL. They left at about 12. Awww, gonna miss all the fun. ): Went home after sending them off. Ate, changed and left for CG. As usual, late again. HOHO. Anyway, we went to Josephine's house today for Care Group. CG is super high as usual la. Joyce is damn damn damn hilarious. LOL. Went home with Mandy. We were listing out the difference between the bubble tea we bought at the overhead bridge and Sweet talk. Ok, serious, i prefer the one at the overhead bridge. Sweet talk = $$$$. If you get what i mean. Got home, showered and dinner. Gosh. Threw up right after dinner. awww. Damn that. BOO! I shall post the photos the other time. Needa sleep now.. @ 3:40 PM
Homestay 07' Ok, i'd posted a super long 1 and don't know where did it went to. MIA i think. So gotta retype..GRRHH.. School was as usual today. Accompanied the suzhou people till 10 in AVA room for the english lesson and they joined us for class at 10.30. They left at 1.30 for lunch and we went to pick them up at 2.30. Thanks Branca, Joey, JiaLing, Nat and Halim for entertaining my Suzhou friend. :D Swimming was fun today. The golden long hair teacher, jayson sim said " Haiyo, you last week swam so well this week so jialat" -.-" i was damn paiseh la! Told him i'd got flu.Hah. This teacher is super nice la. He overheard my conversation with LingMei and knew i know how to swim but did not chase me to the Intermediate side. Unlike the humorous but sarcastic teacher who sent peiting they all to I1 when he found out that they know how to swim. LOL. They so sway la..Hah. After swimming, JiaLing and Nat went to Halim's house while DengMing and i went home to put our stuff. Changed and went to meet jia nat and halim. We shopped around cwp, Nat and I was practically buying last min presents for our suzhou friends. I'm great ok! I bought without letting her know. WAHAHAHAH. Bought her a bag from cute tink and some other random stuff. Bought present for Nat's partner xueqi too. Hah. Mum called at about 6.30 and we left to meet them. We went to fetch sis and off we went to Balestier for Chicken rice. YUMMY! Haha. After the dinner, daddy went to buy durian for DengMing to try. Hah. On the way home, my mum and dad was practically the one entertaining DengMing, i was feeling a lil sick and didn't talk much. Awww.. Got home. My parents continued to entertain her and i just slacked around and online. ^^ Slept at about 10+. Haha. Early la... Saturday, August 04, 2007 @ 9:08 PM
Audition for teachers' Day I was super sick yesterday to actually blog. Healthy Lifestyle in the morning. Our Suzhou buddy joined us. I actually left the hall halfway, i was feeling damn sick. Went back to continue with the exercise anyway because we're supposed to accompany our buddy. We headed to AVA after Healthy Lifestyle and taught them english. Though i enjoyed the air-con, it just made my nose feel horrible. I left the room quite a few times just to let it feel better. awww. After recess was chinese and science. Our buddies joined us in class. They practically didn't understand anything we said in english and i have had a hard time translating. Btw terry, my chinese ain't bad ok! They left after school and i headed to canteen. Sent row off and went back to canteen, started with my portfolio but fell asleep after that. I actually drooled on my paper! Ok, thanks to my block nose that i drooled. Woke up and was still feeling sick but went to the hall to find the rest. Started our dance and finished about 5+. Mum took me to the doctor and the doctor freaking gave me an MC for saturday! How dumb can it be.Argued with mum before she actually allow me to come to school today. The MC is announced useless officially. =P Today actual plan... School-Tuition-Home-Church-FOP. But i ended up only going to school, tuition, headed home and stayed home throughout the whole afternoon, just got damn sick. Sometimes when you're sick, you'll notice that you will start to play with kids because you're just too sick to do other things except for them to entertain you with their "food&drinks"-toys. If you get what i mean. Went out with parents for supper, bought candies and snacks for my suzhou buddy. Mummy and i was trying to find stuff that cannot be found in china. LOL. Oh ya, JELYN love my post! Thanks girl! Hah. She even promote it in her blog. LOL. Thanks people for all your concerns and tissues! :D Thursday, August 02, 2007 @ 9:36 PM
Sick. ): I woke up early just to go to school early to finish up my hwk. Went for assembly and back to class for CD. Oh ya, many people were late because the P changed the time to assembly to 7.40. WTH la.. It's so freaking early. We were asked to come early without being allowed to be dismiss early. PURE CRAP! Talked about teenage pregnancy during CD period. We have been discussing about that for the past 3 weeks. LOL. Just that the tittle of every week is different and hence, classified as different lesson. Haha. Started all the crap again..Hah. English period was next. The makan lesson.. Hah. TongJun told me about the P trying to close down some part of the Gym to make space for the dancers. WTH la. Gymnasium. Dance. See the link? Crap shit man. Kelvin even said that so many years had passed already and there was no problem like this. All the space constraint shit. I guessed she made all up. Firstly, she doesn't know how to manage manpower. Secondly, she doesn't know how to manage the school's financial. Thirdly, she has the old mind set. Fourth, she thinks that she is always right when she's not. Fifth, she is not sensitive enough. Lastly, SHE NEEDS FASHION TIPS! Ok, enough of that. Shall not elaborate about lessons. If not I'll start complaining about the new P again. Half of the time in class, i was doing that. I just keep on ranting about things. She just sucks man.Spoiled my day. Went to meet up with our buddies who came from Suzhou and brought them around the school. Interacted and ya, they don't understand english and i have got a hard time translating from english to chinese. I think I'd better bring a dictionary along or something. Training was next. Trained juniors and ya... *Mouth wide open* if you can get what i mean. Things taught time and again couldn't be remembered. I think we need serious planning to improve on that. Winning yourself 10 pushup for a mistake is not the issue here but what you guys gained from it and mind you, 10 pushups are not a lot consider something that have been taught over and over again. If doing 10 couldn't let you guys realise your mistake then something have to be done. I know you hate it as much i hate shouting at you people making myself looking so darn stupid and being so unreasonable. Grouping you people according to your abilities can let you finish off 5 perfect down line but it actually deprive the others of their chances of improving. You might be good but never the best. You might know it but never know it all. Learn to be a team because one man can't make a team. I don't want any elitism to be in Netball for it's a team game. Being good and giving your best is 2 different issues. I don't see people giving their best so i'm taking things onto my own hands making sure that i see the effort there. You guys can complain to the whole world how unreasonable i am but i'm not gonna change the perception of working hard as a team. Not now and never. Went for tuition after that. Started to get block nose and keep on sneezing. Felt weird at the throat and got damn sick during tuition. After tuition, walking home took me so long.. awww. To Row: My hand ain't small! There is no proper way to estimate somebody’s chances, and we shouldn’t try, because we can never be entirely right, and it deprives people of hope. Wednesday, August 01, 2007 @ 9:43 PM
Busy week/ Finally i'm back blogging. I've been super super busy the whole week. Many thing is going on and many blabla to attend. So i shall not elaborate much about monday and tuesday. Forgotten what happened exactly for those 2 days. Just remembered that during swimming on tuesday, we played flippers ball and owned the other team. HAH. Practically thrashing. LOL. Oh ya, we have new science teacher again. Mr Jacky. Stayed in school for the whole afternoon today doing nothing. We were supposed to do literature but i ended up fighting with farid. Slacked around in class, went next door to 2/6 and kpo on their practice of guitars. Fought with Farid and went to the hall to watch the rehearsal. Talked to Melissa too. Haha. Just love to talk to her man. The performance was great. 2/5 rocks man! Oh ya, 2/6 had done a great job too but that dumb old hag cancelled both rock band's performance. I was like, WTH?!?!?! Ms Chitra came over and talked to HengYin and Agatha about the band issue that we were discussing. I was sitting with them so i just voiced out. Ms Chitra " She thinks that it is not suitable for the occasion" (Interrupted her...) Me: Who says rock band can't go with National Day? That is so so so yesterday's thinking." (She said nothing..) Me: She doesn't want rock band then what she wants? Chinese Opera? Haha. She was stunned and i think she have got nothing to say. So ya, i'm right. That old hag is so freaking old fashion and have the mind set of yesterday. Maybe we shouldn't blame her, just look at her dressing. She seriously need some fashion tips. She cut down so much on the school expenses and i think she must be rich enough to hire herself one fashion consultant or maybe even 2. She don't know what the kids today thinks and call herself a P.Come on man, if rock band can't make people sing then what? Those chinese opera or statues standing on stage? Oh please. I guess she have not been to any live concert before. Grrrh.. If she is gonna be in the school for the next 2 years. She is gonna ruin my secondary school life. She just can't make the right decision. People often said that some decisions can only please a particular group of people but not the others. But the decisions she made pleased no one except herself. She is so freaking self-centered and thinks that she is always right just because she's the boss. Boss call the shot but she shot people down with calls. Her words to people are just so hurting. The incident about Keen Hoe and today towards 4/6. Oh man, can't she just be more sensitive? She's like my worst nightmare, just that she appears in the day. BOO! |